DIN EN ISO 9001:2015
Our company is certified by DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. DIN EN ISO 9001 is the most commonly known quality management standard and appreciated worldwide.
It sets the standard for a continous improvement process of internal quality management in companies and therefore supports us in our goal of constant improval of service and internal processes.
As a future oriented company, our primary goal is customer satisfaction. With the DIN EN ISO 9001, we are on the right path.

Trusted Shops Trustmark
With more than 5,000 certified retailers, Trusted Shops has been the leading quality seal for online shops since 1999, with integrated Buyer Protection - guaranteed by reputable insurance companies.
Quality through objective monitoring criteriaü>
Sport-Tec has met more than 100 quality criteria to receive the Trusted Shops quality seal. These criteria are constantly being developed by independent consumer protection and data protection experts. Compliance is checked regularly by qualified legal and IT experts.
Financial security with Trusted Shops Buyer Protection
You can take out insurance against loss of your payment in the event of non-delivery or return of the goods up to 2.500,- €, irrespective of payment method. We meet the costs of the Buyer Protection for you! Employees of the Trusted Shops AG will help you with any problems with your online shopping.
Recommended by consumer protection experts and official bodies
Trusted Shops is explicitly recommended by consumer protection experts and official bodies for secure shopping on the internet, e.g. by Stiftung Warentest and the Federal Minsitry of Justice. Trusted Shops Buyer Protection is offered to you during the order process in accordance with the conditions of Trusted Shops Buyer Protection. Have you found the right product and want to place an order securely and conveniently? Sport-Tec sets the standards for secure payment.

Also referred to as 3DES is a multiple encryption system based on the Data Encryption Standard (DES). The 3DES symmetrical encryption algorithm uses two or three codes and three DES processes.
The SSL protocol guarantees secure transfer of data. The data can neither be read nor manipulated during transfer. Additionally, we offer our users content encryption within the contact forms.
For our catalogue production, we are collaborating with Print&Forest. Print&Forest takes care to keep the CO2 emissions while catalogue production as low as possible. Still occuring emissions will be calculated during production process and new trees will be planted in endangered forests to compensate for it.
Climate-neutral shop
Since 01.01.2013, our shop operator has also been offsetting 100% of its CO2 emissions through a certified climate protection project, and as a result it offers an entirely climate-neutral shop system. ClimatePartner, a consultancy specialising in climate protection, analysed the CO2 footprint of the entire commercial business down to the daily commutes of staff. To offset the emissions created, a certified water treatment project is being run to reduce CO2 emissions.